Friday 21 September 2012

I wish I had....

Ever since I became a mummy, something very strange has been happening to this usually happy-go-lucky lady. I feel like I constantly beat myself up about things I haven't done and opportunities I have missed, I wish I'd taken more photographs of me pregnant.... I wish I had done a the cast of Ava's footprints while she was newborn..... I wish I had taken photographs each month to document the change in her....I wish I had recorded the date she first smiled for her baby book.... And the list goes on.

Now I know it's impossible to record everything, but when is it enough and where do u draw the line? They grow so fast and I don't wanna miss a moment.

I guess I need to give myself a talking to and remember that memories live in your heart not your photo album!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had taken more pregnancy photos... recorded monthly updates of Corbin.. I think it comes from realizing how FAST it passes and wanting to hold on. But you'll take lots of pictures and remember all those moments even without documented evidence that it occurred. The evidence will be your happy baby girl! :)
