Thursday 20 September 2012

And so it begins!!

Okay so here goes!

I have decided to bring myself into the 21st Century, and since it seems that anyone who's anyone has a blog, it would be rude not to!!

For any non-mummies reading this, I apologise now that my blog will probably bore you to tears, as since I have a 4 month old beautiful baby girl, I just can't get enough of talking about her!!

I suppose I better start with a little introduction to me and my little world I call home.  I have a wonderful husband Ash and just 4 short months ago we first met our beautiful Ava Kate, now our family is complete!

So there you have it, I have started a blog! And although not a particularly exciting first post, I promise to add some pics when I am suitably wi-fi-ed up, and I do solemnly swear to be more interesting from here on out!


  1. Welcome to the blog world, Emma! Missbrittney08, may 2012 mom

    1. Thanks, hope mine is half as entertaining as yours!

  2. yey! Welcome to the blogging world Em <3 ... i look forward to seeing your cute pics of lil baby Ava Kate!! x
