Friday 21 September 2012

I wish I had....

Ever since I became a mummy, something very strange has been happening to this usually happy-go-lucky lady. I feel like I constantly beat myself up about things I haven't done and opportunities I have missed, I wish I'd taken more photographs of me pregnant.... I wish I had done a the cast of Ava's footprints while she was newborn..... I wish I had taken photographs each month to document the change in her....I wish I had recorded the date she first smiled for her baby book.... And the list goes on.

Now I know it's impossible to record everything, but when is it enough and where do u draw the line? They grow so fast and I don't wanna miss a moment.

I guess I need to give myself a talking to and remember that memories live in your heart not your photo album!

Thursday 20 September 2012

And so it begins!!

Okay so here goes!

I have decided to bring myself into the 21st Century, and since it seems that anyone who's anyone has a blog, it would be rude not to!!

For any non-mummies reading this, I apologise now that my blog will probably bore you to tears, as since I have a 4 month old beautiful baby girl, I just can't get enough of talking about her!!

I suppose I better start with a little introduction to me and my little world I call home.  I have a wonderful husband Ash and just 4 short months ago we first met our beautiful Ava Kate, now our family is complete!

So there you have it, I have started a blog! And although not a particularly exciting first post, I promise to add some pics when I am suitably wi-fi-ed up, and I do solemnly swear to be more interesting from here on out!